3 Easy Ways to Spread Love

 Here are three simple ways to add love to our world.

Mail someone a card. The art of sending a note or card to someone has nearly gone by the wayside, replaced by the ease of emailing, texting, and other electronic communication. Yet sometimes it’s nice to find a card or note in the snail mailbox. Take a couple of minutes to write to someone special just to say I’m glad you’re in my life. Then add a stamp to the envelope and drop it in the mail. They’ll be glad you did. So will you.

Say thank you. In the busyness of our lives, we may forget to say thank you – two simple words with such big meaning. Take a moment to say thank you to everyone who crosses your path today – your family members, the grocery store clerk who rang up your purchases, the waitress or waiter who brought your food, the teacher who teaches your children, the valet who parked your vehicle . . . you get the picture. Everyone wants to feel seen and valued. A simple thank you lets the other feel appreciated.

Listen. We are so often busy trying to be heard that we forget to listen. Show someone you are grateful for them by listening to what they say, really listening without judgment, really listening without forming your comeback, really listening with your ears and with your heart. You just might be surprised by what you hear.

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