On the Way to Grace . . . Living the Spiritual Path

Those of us who choose the spiritual path always think it’s going to make our lives easier, at least most of us think so when we start out, but too soon we get it that living our lives in a sacred manner is no walk in the park.  At least that’s been my experience.

The next person over may have an easier time of it, but for most of the people I know it’s not written on their birth certificate that “this one shall have an easy life.” For most of us it’s the opposite, and we get to wondering why life can sometimes seem so difficult when we’re such good people and trying our best to be better.

I know the answer to this. “Let go. Go with the flow. Be One with All. Stay in the Moment. Stay in the Love. God/Spirit/Creator, your angels and guides are all with you. I know. I know. I teach this stuff. But teaching and living it are not necessarily the same, and sometimes life is just plain hard.

Even when I know how to make it easier, life can be a challenge that I don’t always feel up to meeting.  Now I have to admit it has gotten easier the more I practice what I teach, or at least the times of angst are shorter and maybe a little less severe. I beg and plead and stomp my feet less and say thank you more. 

I have to admit though that most of the time I’m pretty happy and may go for months in a state of deep contentment with long periods of feeling a jumping-up-and-down excitement and joy. Still there are those times when I walk-off-the-front-porch-and-get-lost-in-the-woods as I refer to the getting lost in worry or sorrow or fret about something or feel stuck when I want to be on the fast track.

Fortunately, these days I don’t stay lost in the woods for too long, but it wasn’t always so, and I remember those times well. Times where I would wake in the middle of the night afraid of what I didn’t know. Afraid of being able to pay the bill. Afraid of getting sick or afraid…Just afraid. Times when I wondered if I really could wake up the next day and get through it. Times when I didn’t want to wake up the next day to get through it.

These times may come back, but fortunately they are not here in this day, and that’s the point—those days of the dark night of the soul do not always linger. Our lives may never be the Garden of Eden and Nirvana may only be glimpsed now and then or may even only be a promise of something that could be, but a promise nevertheless that we can hold onto in hopes of a better tomorrow.

And this is, I believe, what the spiritual path is—a sacred walk through all the human experiences to find that true heart’s desire—union with God, with the Light. It isn’t always about life being easy. It is about continuing to take that next step regardless of the hardships, perhaps even maneuvering between them. 

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Phillip’s Wisdom on The Shift

This following is from my You Tube message the first week of 2020. It’s an important message to remember as we continue in the turmoil of this election year 2024. Today, I remind you that out of chaos comes greatness. Hang in there. This painful and erratic time shall pass and a new creative and loving renaissance shall emerge.

Diana: When I woke on January 1, 2020, I felt a shift, a lightness, a new hope filled the world. It felt like the tipping point has been reached. It also felt like this hope, this lightness won’t stay but that it had been touched so it would return.

Phillip: What you felt was the collective energy. Many put the decade of the past behind them. This creates the hope that the new decade will bring greater love and peace into the world.

As you experienced, within a few days the lightness in the energy lessened. This said, the tipping point was reached and will reopen.

You were taught a while back, and you have learned, that once a step is taken you never go as far back as the beginning. If you fill a cup, you may spill some from the cup but if you pour the contents into a larger container, you will still have the contents of the original container with additional room to add more.

This is to say that one’s journey is always going forward even if it seems as though the steps forward also contain sliding backward.

Once the Light of Love is felt darkness can never fully diminish it.

The hope that so many felt for the new day, the new year, the new decade—2020—brought forth the shift. The shift has taken place. It cannot be undone.

This said, in this 2020 shift, the darkness is still strong. This must also be remembered, not to discourage but to be aware.

There are those who will deny the darkness and there are those who will deny the light. The truth is in denying neither.

Without denial of the darkness let your concentration be on the light. Where there is fear bring comfort. Where there is anger bring calm. Where there is turmoil bring peace. Where there is misunderstanding bring understanding. Where there is discord bring compassion.

This is not to say we do not raise our hand to say stop. This is most necessary. Raise your hand to reach out not to harm however.

Where there is an injustice step between the one who is harming and the one who is being harmed. Surround them both with love as you call for a stop to the injustice. Recognize that each soul has chosen a path so do not judge why the act is taking place. Instead, recognize that all acts should be of love. If an act is not of love, it is an opportunity for healing to take place.

The healing will affect the collective although it is played out within individuals. The healing of one individual affects 10,000 others who have lived before, who live now, who are not yet born.

This is the soul’s contract.

Your contract, along with many others, is to bring about the shift of hope, which will usher in the new age of enlightenment. This is why you, and many others, experienced the shift. It is for each of you now to hold to your promise to hold—and to practice—the hope in your own lives so that you also hold the energy of hope for the world.

This will not be easy in the coming months. It must be necessary though.

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Make God Bigger

“I’m frightened of you.” These were the words of one of the students in my course on Religious Studies. Other students nodded their heads making it known she was their spokesperson and they stood behind her.

“That took a lot of courage for you to say that,” I responded. “Why are you frightened of me?”

“I’m a Christian and I’m afraid you’re going to try tell me I shouldn’t believe in Jesus.”

“Not at all,” I said. “My goal is to help you make your God bigger regardless of your religious beliefs.”

She thought for a moment. Looked around at the other students, and then tilted her head and said, “Okay, we’ll stay, but remember you can’t take our Christianity away from us.”

It was an interesting term that year. Courses on religion usually are, but this was Urbana University, a liberal arts university in the middle of conservative Ohio. Although the students came for the liberal arts education, they nonetheless mainly came from rural farms and small towns where liberal arts didn’t necessarily mean the study of the world. It meant the study of humanities as seen through their traditions.

One of the major assignments was to choose a spiritual practice or religion that was different from their own. Students were to interview an official of that practice and write a term paper that explained the practice and explain how it was the same and how it was different from what they believed and practiced.

As each student turned in the name of the spiritual belief/religion they wanted to write about, it became clear my work was cut out for me. I had given examples they could choose from such as Buddhism, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, mindfulness, Zen, Native American beliefs and practices, meditation, different spiritual practices and beliefs, ancient prayers, and so on.  Instead of a deeper dive into those beliefs we were studying, each student came back with a choice of a Christian religion that was a different denomination from theirs.

One student was protestant, so he chose a Catholic church. He was so proud to say a priest had agreed to talk with him. Another girl chose to speak with an Amish woman while another student, who was Grace Brethren, wanted to write about the Methodist because they were so different she wasn’t sure they were really Christians.

I don’t mean to make these young people sound ignorant. I understood where they came from. It’s the church I was raised in. Unless you belonged to this specific church, you were a heathen. I was a teenager when I left the church. I saw too much worship on Sunday morning and too much hypocrisy when the sermon ended.

My God became Love and kindness to myself and all beings; my spiritual practice became meditation, reflection, and living in awareness. And that’s what I wanted these young people to learn. God—however practiced in whatever religion or belief—is Love. God is Love.

I stopped pushing my request for the students to write about another religion by my definition and allowed them to write about another religion by their definition.

As the term came near its conclusion, and the papers were turned in, the students talked about how much they had learned. Catholics have a lot of rituals. Kind of cool actually. But they believe in Jesus just like Baptists do. The Amish lady said she couldn’t tell me everything about her community, but I learned they believe in community and in helping others. The Methodist are Christians. We even sing some of the same hymns.

It was the last day of class when she raised her hand. She looked around the room as she stood. “You were right,” she said.

“How’s that?” I asked.

“I’ll always be a Christian and a member of my church,” she said. “But I’ve learned something in this class that I want to teach to others.” She looked around again at the other students as if to gain agreement before she said. “You made my God bigger.”

My heart warmed as I looked around at all the students who were clapping and nodding in agreement. Maybe they hadn’t absorbed the intricacies of Buddhism or complexities of Islam or depth of Zen meditation, but they had grown. And so had their God.

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Phillip’s Wisdom on Stress

Conversation with Phillip

Phillip: It is first of all necessary that you know holding the world in divine, sacred light has had an immense impact on the humans’ powers and misguided intentions. War worldwide has not yet been averted but was postponed and can be stopped. Please continue to hold your planet in loving energy to help it heal from the anger that threatens it.

It is for each person to see their own power and bring it together for the collective good of all. This brings forth the shift that was predicted by the ancient ones, myself included. Each who hears/reads my words plays a role assigned and accepted before birth. Each chose to be a part of ushering in the new energies.

You felt the shift of the new energy. This sensitivity, however, does call for caution in taking in energies that cause stress in the emotions, and in turn, the body. The energies of opposites will continue to conflict as the year progresses. This will affect all beings. Those sensitive to it will understand the stress that is related to these opposing energies and use ways to deal with the stress that aides their lives.

Those who are unaware of what is taking place will take out their stress on others and on their bodies until they lift their awareness.

It is for each individual to be aware of their thoughts and emotions that arise from those thoughts. Of course, it is not possible to be aware of every thought, but it is possible to become aware of many.

As you monitor your thoughts, you will become aware of repeated and escalating thoughts that come about rapidly, tightening the muscles, and bringing on stress. Being aware of these thoughts allows you to choose to deescalate or to continue. To continue, of course, allows the stress to continue and build. To deescalate requires you to look beyond the thought to see what is beneath the thought. You are not the thought. By asking yourself what is beneath this thought, you are asking yourself what is beneath this stress. In doing so you will learn what is the truth of what you must heal within your life for this is where the stress truly comes from.

What is the thought beneath the thought? As you learn this answer you may then ask yourself what it is you are to change, what action you are to take.

There are many helpful ways to relax the body and the mind. These are needed to be practiced as you learn that you are not the thought but you are that which is behind the thought.

Diana: Thanks, Phillip. Change the thought and we change the outcome.

Phillip: That is correct. Remember, beneath stress there is often fear. As you pull away the layers you learn the truth. Once you know the truth, you can then deal with that.

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Psychic Game for Developing Intuition

This game helps you develop and sharpen your intuition. Developing your intuition opens you to new ideas, keeps you safe in unfamiliar situations, and helps you to make decisions that are best for your life.

With summer fast approaching games are always a favorite way to spend time with family and friends. Whether celebrating together in person, via the internet, or by conference calls, this game is played with as few as two people and as many as your time allows.

Game rules

  1. Decide who is Partner 1 and who is Partner 2.
  2. Partner 1 think about one of the listed suggestions under Game Play Suggestions and Examples below. It’s okay to come up with your own suggestions rather than use those from the suggestion list. Keep your idea simple.
  3. Feel it, see it; do your best to share the energy of what you are thinking about.
  4. Partner 1 tell Partner 2 what you are thinking of but leave out the specifics. For example, you might say, “I’m thinking of an animal.” Do not tell your partner what animal you are thinking about.
  5. Partner 2, relax and tune into Partner 1; simply think about with whom you are talking. You may ask up to 5 questions before saying what Partner 1 is thinking about. It may feel like you’re guessing. That’s okay. You just may surprise yourself.
  6. Reverse partners and start over with Partner 2 asking the question.

Game Play Suggestions and Examples

Partner 1: Think of an animal, then say, “I’m thinking of an animal. What is it?”

Partner 2: You may ask up to 5 questions before you are to name that animal?

Partner 1: Think of a color, then say, “I’m thinking of a color. What is it?”

Partner 2: You may ask up to 5 questions before you are to name that color?

Partner 1: Think of a number from 1 – 1000, then say, “I’m thinking of a number from 1 – 1000. What is it?”

Partner 2: You may ask up to 5 questions before you are to tell the number?

Partner 1: Think of a man’s name, then say, “I’m thinking of a man’s name. What is it?”

Partner 2: You may ask up to 5 questions before you are to tell that man’s name?

Partner 1: Think of a woman’s name, then say, “I’m thinking of a woman’s name. What is it?”

Partner 2: You may ask up to 5 questions before you are to tell that woman’s name?

Partner 1: Think of someone in this room/on an internet conference with you, or someone you both know, etc, then say, “I’m thinking of someone in this room/on the internet conference with you. Who is it?”

Partner 2: You may ask up to 5 questions before you are to tell the name of that person?

Partner 1: Think of a city anywhere in the world, then say, “I’m thinking of a city anywhere in the world. What is it?”

Partner 2: You may ask up to 5 questions before you are to tell the name of that city.

Partner 1: Think of a day of the week, then say, “I’m thinking of a day of the week. What is it?”

Partner 2: You may ask only 1 question before you are to tell the day of the week.

Partner 1: Think of a year between 1900 and today, then say, “I’m thinking of a year between 1900 and today. What is it?”

Partner 2: You may ask up to 5 questions before you are to tell the year between 1900 and today.

Partner 1: Think of popular a TV show or movie, then say, “I’m thinking of a popular TV show or movie. What is it?”

Partner 2: You may ask up to 5 questions before you are to tell the name of popular TV show or movie.

Have fun and enjoy the psychic game. Add your own questions and have even more fun.

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Phillip’s Wisdom on Sleep in Spirit World

Q: Does anyone in Spirit World sleep?

Phillip’s Answer

It depends on the level at which the soul crosses over. It’s a nonanimated state much like sleep. Of course, there’s no body as you know it that needs rest. Still there is a weariness that may come during the pass over from third dimension world to spirit world, so a time of rest is often appropriate.

It is not a regular evening respite as you have in the human world. Your respite may take only a few minutes, then you continue with your evening.

A soul who crosses over may need rest before moving into and adjusting to life in spirit world. This rest may take many days or, in some cases, even years.

After that, the length—or choice to rest—is up to the individual. I suppose you could say it’s like the way a stone rests in the human world. Rather than being in active thought, the soul goes into a state of restful being. 

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Sacred Land Holders

There are those across the U.S. and around the world who are able to hold the energy of love. These individuals have been chosen to hold the sacred land and to hold the land sacred. The ones who are holding the sacred lands are coming together in spirit and often in body to aid one another. Many of these holders of the sacred lands are referred to as animals. Some are winged ones, some have fins, some have four legs and fur. These creatures help the humans. Now the humans must help the ones you call animals, birds, and ones who live in the waters.

The ancient ones are returning to help. They hold the energy to aid the planet as it goes through a cleansing.

This will not be an easy time for many as the planet realigns itself. New land will appear as old land changes with some disappearing beneath the sea. To many this will feel like a period of turmoil. To others, whose hearts know peace, it will be a time of awakening.

It is a time to leave fear behind and know the energy of peace is being held by many. Those who have bene holding the energy of peace, those who have been holding the energy of love are moving out into the world to spread this energy.

Rituals will be held on sacred lands to help hold this energy of peace.

Each being must search within to exchange fear and anger for peace, understanding, forgiveness—for love.

The peace holders are in place; the sacred lands hold their energy. Be not afraid for they hold you as each of you transform and become one of the peace holders.

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Phillip Answers 20 Questions

Q. What draws us toward God?

A. It is the nature of the human to be drawn to what it is.

Q. When you say we are drawn to what we are, are you saying we are all God?

A. All is part of the same Energy. It is what many call God, but not all. The name has been distorted and misused to please human desires rather than to understand that all beings are One in Love.

Q. Why do we forget who we are?

A. It too is your nature to forget. This is the journey itself.

Q. Do we live more than one life?

A. Yes, you live many lives all at the same time. As there are many expressions for the one God, there are many expressions of the one human life.

Q. Is it all happening at the same time?

A. Of course.

Q. Is there more or is this all there is?

A. There is so much more. The expression itself is endless. Then there is that which is behind the expression, and that too is endless.

Q. Silence?

A. Yes.

Q. Space and matter?

A. Yes. There is always a thought behind a thought.

Q. Even in the silence?

A. Yes. The mind follows the thought to the new thought, which then follows to the new thought and so on.

Q. Like a mantra.

A. Yes, what mantra you follow depends on where you want to go.

Q. If I chant the name of God, will that name of God will take me to the inner sanctuary? Am I following the vibration of millions of others who have changed this name?

A. Yes.

Q. If I chant another word, will the same thing happen? Will I follow the vibration of that word?

A. Yes.

Q. I see. So, if I follow the way of graciousness, then my life will be filled with graciousness?

A. Yes, even when it is not, you will experience the graciousness.

Q. What is beyond the inner journey?

A. Another outward journey.

Q. Explain please.

A. The inner journey is taken that you may express in the world.

Q. Okay, not to hide, but to go out into the world?

A. Absolutely.

Q. The balance doesn’t come at the same time.

A. Balance may take years and then it comes with work. The price of non-balance is too great a price.

Q. When you see different gifted people with different views it’s hard to decide which is correct. I think the confusing thing is different psychics have different views of what’s out there. They are all talking to their guides but not coming back with the same messages. It would be easier if everyone came back with the same overall message.

A. We addressed this in part when we’ve spoke of the different levels of learning and understanding in spirit world. The same is true in the lower dimensional worlds.

There is also the understanding of the interpreter as to what is being conveyed by the teacher/guide and how the human hears and conveys the information.

And, of course, the human ego may also play a part. Is the interpreter concerned with truth? With service? To prove a point? To become famous? The motivation may not be fully understood by the listeners; however, it would behoove all listeners to question who they are listening to, why they are listening, and to take all information into account while still forming their own opinion.

Our own level of consciousness draws us to information we are seeking. This is only a beginning, however. Each individual must have their own direct experience before being fully able to grasp the higher levels of consciousness.

We begin with the quest, gather the knowledge, and experience the experience. It is then one will understand.

Q. As we evolve spiritually and physically does it affect our DNA? If it does affect our DNA, does it also change our children’s and grandchildren’s?

A. Yes, the physical DNA changes as the individual evolves. This allows for human evolution to take place. We spoke about this before when we talked about changes that are currently taking place in human evolution.

This is necessary to allow for adaptation to a new climate environment and a new social form that is less reliant on gender identification.

The human DNA may change rapidly or gradually. Both allow the individual to receive higher information with greater ease and to then have a greater understanding of all purpose.

The gradual change is easier on the psyche and the physical body. Information and understanding come more gradually and is easier absorbed.

The rapid change may come through when the physical body is suspended from normal activity. This can take place with a serious illness or a vehicle mishap or other type of misadventure in what seems to be an accident.

As you know, there is no accident but an agreement to allow the body to be suspended temporarily so the work can be done of changing the DNA. This often takes place during periods of euphoria.

The rapid change takes place at a time when either the person has not yet evolved to the point of where they can do their rightful work, or a need has quickly arisen that calls for their rapid evolution.

When rapid growth is called for, let this come about naturally.

When not allowing rapid growth to come naturally but instead pushing yourself to points you are not yet ready for, it is wise to know this pushed rapid change is, of course, the more dangerous to the body and can be to the psyche.

If the psyche opens too quickly—with or without intervention in the body—the consciousness may lose sight of the need to work in the third dimension. In this case a psychosis is formed that will not be helpful to the individual at this time. Once the individual returns to the third dimension they may find it difficult to adjust so this method is not recommended if it can be avoided.

Once the DNA is altered, all children born though that body will carry the evolved DNA, as well as their children. This is how evolution takes place.

The DNA of children already born have their own DNA written as theirs will change only as they change.

Keep in mind that evolution is not linear.

Q. What can we do to get this country (United States) back on track after we extract the darkness from this government? What grass roots efforts can we do to create to help stabilize this country?

A. Let us begin by reminding you that all that is created is done so through the consciousness of each individual and the collective consciousness of all both in your dimension and those who have spent time there.

We also remind you that individual countries create different forms of government as it suits those about to create the laws in the moment. The government is created via the needs of the people as seen by those in the positions to create the governing body.

Governments will and do change. It is a judgment as to whether the change is good or bad. That which helps the majority is judged as good; that which is seen as harmful is seen as bad.

For a moment, let us divert to the individual lives. As long as we perceive ourselves to be pleased with our life, we do not seek change and are often unaware of that which is taking place with our neighbor.

It is only when we are displeased that we begin to see others are also displeased. It is then we realize we must take action so we can be pleased again. Our attitude toward a government is the same.

And so, we return to where we began. To change the greater consciousness, we must change the individual consciousness, and this comes about only after the displeasure is great enough to cause the individual to want to evolve and to do the work to do so.

The government will reflect the energy of the consciousness of its people.

As each individual takes the responsibility of changing their consciousness from one of anger and fear to that of love, compassion, kindness, the energy will change.

The simplest and easiest acts of love reverberate into eternity, but it must begin with the sincere desire to raise the individual consciousness and spread this energy to all who cross your path.

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Phillip’s Wisdom on Master Teachers

A reader’s questions:

How can we recognize a true master as opposed to someone who only thinks they are or is simply out to make a buck? Does it matter or is all that matters whether someone is helpful?


As the student progresses, the attraction to a teacher of the higher orders will be sought out. This is not only at the human level that the decisions are made. The spiritual level influences the human’s decision as well as the mindset of the human.

Your teachers, who may or may not be masters, are those who are in your vibrational energy.

There are those who say beware of those who claim to be masters for they are not. We say, if you are drawn to them, search for the reason for there is something here for you. It may be simply to learn discernment. It may be to learn of your own wisdom. It may be to learn the value of choice and to choose wisely.

There are those who are not yet ready to be trusted with the deeper secrets of the universe so they will seek out teachers who do not yet know the secrets. There are those who are ready to become masters to help heal and lead your world. These are the ones who seek out the teachers of a higher order.

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Phillip’s Wisdom on How Manifesting Is Like Baking a Cake

If you want to bake a chocolate cake, gather all the ingredients you need to make the cake. Gather flour, butter, cocoa, etc. Do not include dried leaves or anything that doesn’t belong in the cake.

To manifest a desire, you must make your intent clear. Also, ask yourself what is your motivation for wanting to manifest this? Let your motivation be to better your life and the lives of all. Steep your desire in love, not fear. Let the desire help to make your life greater and the lives of others greater.

Then do the work that needs to be done to create and bring forth this desire in your life. This is where you mix the flour and butter, and so on, together for the cake.

At this time, all unlike what you desire comes before you for healing, so that which you request comes to you in its purest form.

Once the work is completed, put the cake into the oven. This is the same as surrendering to Spirit and letting the energy take over.

Do not open the over door too soon or the cake will fall. Stop pulling up the roots of the seeds you just planted. Trust that Spirit knows more than you. This is a good time to remember gratitude for the creation.

As each level of healing takes place old patterns fall away and new patterns are written. Go about your life, go about your business, and listen to yourself. Stay in the present, so that which you ask for can appear. When expressing gratitude (a necessity) for the manifestation of what you desire, say, “Thank you. I am so grateful this is in my life.” Do not say, “I’m so grateful this is coming into my life.” Speaking in future tense keeps the desire in the future. Speak in the present tense.

When the oven timer buzzes, take out the cake. If you leave the cake in too long, it will burn. Be aware of your inner voice and the signals around you. This is where your intuition is helpful. If you miss the signals, you will miss the opportunities that are manifesting your desire.

Listen to yourself and know that which you desire is in your life. Feel it; see it; believe it. Creation comes as you are in the process of creations themselves. This is the work itself. The creation is not the prize. The act of creation is.

Create with ease and joy and enjoy your creation!

Note: Will this always work? We’re human, so no, but that’s why we have laughter and why we preserve. You may need to repeat the process. Is there more healing that must be done for the desire to manifest? Or is there something better for you that you won’t have if you manifest this desire? Look within as to why your desire has not manifested.

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