Phillip’s Wisdom on Master Teachers

A reader’s questions:

How can we recognize a true master as opposed to someone who only thinks they are or is simply out to make a buck? Does it matter or is all that matters whether someone is helpful?


As the student progresses, the attraction to a teacher of the higher orders will be sought out. This is not only at the human level that the decisions are made. The spiritual level influences the human’s decision as well as the mindset of the human.

Your teachers, who may or may not be masters, are those who are in your vibrational energy.

There are those who say beware of those who claim to be masters for they are not. We say, if you are drawn to them, search for the reason for there is something here for you. It may be simply to learn discernment. It may be to learn of your own wisdom. It may be to learn the value of choice and to choose wisely.

There are those who are not yet ready to be trusted with the deeper secrets of the universe so they will seek out teachers who do not yet know the secrets. There are those who are ready to become masters to help heal and lead your world. These are the ones who seek out the teachers of a higher order.

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Phillip’s Wisdom on How Manifesting Is Like Baking a Cake

If you want to bake a chocolate cake, gather all the ingredients you need to make the cake. Gather flour, butter, cocoa, etc. Do not include dried leaves or anything that doesn’t belong in the cake.

To manifest a desire, you must make your intent clear. Also, ask yourself what is your motivation for wanting to manifest this? Let your motivation be to better your life and the lives of all. Steep your desire in love, not fear. Let the desire help to make your life greater and the lives of others greater.

Then do the work that needs to be done to create and bring forth this desire in your life. This is where you mix the flour and butter, and so on, together for the cake.

At this time, all unlike what you desire comes before you for healing, so that which you request comes to you in its purest form.

Once the work is completed, put the cake into the oven. This is the same as surrendering to Spirit and letting the energy take over.

Do not open the over door too soon or the cake will fall. Stop pulling up the roots of the seeds you just planted. Trust that Spirit knows more than you. This is a good time to remember gratitude for the creation.

As each level of healing takes place old patterns fall away and new patterns are written. Go about your life, go about your business, and listen to yourself. Stay in the present, so that which you ask for can appear. When expressing gratitude (a necessity) for the manifestation of what you desire, say, “Thank you. I am so grateful this is in my life.” Do not say, “I’m so grateful this is coming into my life.” Speaking in future tense keeps the desire in the future. Speak in the present tense.

When the oven timer buzzes, take out the cake. If you leave the cake in too long, it will burn. Be aware of your inner voice and the signals around you. This is where your intuition is helpful. If you miss the signals, you will miss the opportunities that are manifesting your desire.

Listen to yourself and know that which you desire is in your life. Feel it; see it; believe it. Creation comes as you are in the process of creations themselves. This is the work itself. The creation is not the prize. The act of creation is.

Create with ease and joy and enjoy your creation!

Note: Will this always work? We’re human, so no, but that’s why we have laughter and why we preserve. You may need to repeat the process. Is there more healing that must be done for the desire to manifest? Or is there something better for you that you won’t have if you manifest this desire? Look within as to why your desire has not manifested.

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Phillip’s Wisdom on Awareness

When you live with awareness of your life, you begin to understand how your thoughts, words, and actions affect others. This is not to say you should be concerned about how others think of you. Of this you have no control. Others see you through their own filters, or lack thereof. It is to say you are to be concerned how your choices affect the all—people, animals, winged ones, trees, the planet, the universe—and yourself.

If your thoughts poison another, they also poison you. If your deeds hurt the planet, they also hurt you. If your words throw anger at another, the anger comes back on you. If you give to another, others will give more to you. If you think kindly of another, others will think kindly of you. If you reach for understanding and compassion for another, others will find understanding and compassion for you.

Ask yourself who you want to be, and then watch yourself as you live your life. Are your words in alignment with who you want to be? Are your deeds? Are your thoughts? When you are not in alignment with who you want to be, be conscious of making a different choice, being kind with yourself as you do.

Who do you want to be? Do you want to be a powerful person? A strong person? A compassionate person? A person with healthy boundaries? A person who loves rather than judges? A person who understands rather than angers? A person who lives in harmony and not fear? A respectful person? A wealthy person? A fun person? A loving person?

The choice is yours.

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Phillip’s Wisdom on Governments and Elections

As the US moves through this election year, it is important to look at our responsibility. Yes, we must vote, but that is not all we must do. Phillip explains.

We begin by reminding you that everything is energy. What does this have to do with governments, people who run the governments, and elections?

Remembering that everything is energy, it is about changing the energy if the current government is not satisfactory to the people. We remind you that anger and fear fuel anger and fear. It matters not what political party has power if the energy is strong with fear and angry deeds done, policies made will be harmful to the people and planet.

The healing takes place with each individual. When emotions of compassion and caring overtake those of fear and anger, the political scene will reflect this. We cannot state this strongly enough. Every individual has the power to make the changes in the physical world they want to see simply by changing their own energy.

The current administration, whatever that happens to be, is in power as a result of the energy expressed in the population.

As the individual changes their energy, the population changes, thus, the political arena changes.

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Phillip’s Wisdom on Healing the World

You must hold the world in prayer and cleanse your mind of all but loving thoughts. This is the vibration that will continue to free you and to free the world from tyranny.

Do not be dismayed. There is great hope. The hope depends on your willingness to hold peace in your heart regardless of what you see, hear, or experience. When anger arises, do not ignore it. Instead, see it for what it is and transmute the anger into the action of love. Do the same for all emotions that arise out of fear, which is what anger is—a projection of fear.

This is not to say you are to rollover for those you consider your enemies, but instead to understand you have no enemies. Those you see as enemies, those you see as hurting you, are here to help you look deeper within yourself to see your errors of thinking. Are you to hold others accountable for their errors of thinking? Of course, but first look within to understand who is making the error and why. You will be surprised to see your own struggles manifested in the larger world. Not a single thought of yours is lived in solitude but is instead manifested into the larger arena.

You want peace in the world? It is first to be found within your own heart. Let there be peace in your world and Earth will one day come to know peace. Peace comes from humankind, not from the words of world leaders.

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Phillip’s Wisdom on Enlightenment

Phillip reminds me that we do not move into enlightenment and stay put. We move in and out, away from and back into. Step-by-step, moment-by-moment, day-to-day, we make the commitment to our spiritual practices and to choosing to live our lives from the place of the heart where grace, love, and harmony abide. This is the greatest work of our lives.

Do we not think the great sages needed practice? Do we not think the Dali Lama spends time every day in communion with the Divine? Did not Jesus spend 40 days in the wilderness? Did not the Buddha spend so much time beneath the Bodhi tree that the people who lived nearby thought he was a tree spirit?

Phillip says— When you walk out of grace, be not dismayed. It is merely the opportunity to find your way back home. Of this you are aided by invisible spirits who guide your walk. You hear the voice of guidance only when you are quiet enough to listen. Return to your spiritual practice. In the silence you will find your way, knowing that others have gone before you to create a path you can then follow. The tall reeds have been laid aside by the trampling of those who have traveled this path before you. It is to them you owe gratitude. If it is up to you to be the first across a great raging river, know there are those in other worlds who guide you. Choose love and they are able to reach you. Even in fear, they reach out to you. It is up to you to reach back.

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Phillip’s Wisdom on Creating

When you want to create, you first become that which you want to create and align yourself with the universal energy of that creation.

You want more love, become loving in your manner. Treat others with respect, kindness, and to them and be generous of heart. You will then begin to attract love. You want to attract a particular form of love, a mate or more friendships? See them already in your life with a flowing of the energy between you. Here we do not succeed because we try to manipulate another by seeing one particular person in our lives rather than seeing love. Instead of forcing your will and trying to force the will of another by saying, “I want love from this particular person,” instead concentrate on being love and saying, “Thank you for this love in my life.”

You want more money, wealth, abundance, prosperity, financial freedom? Align yourself with the energy of abundance of wealth. Give up your envy, fear, worry. Immerse yourself in the language of wealth. See money flowing into you. Give a portion of what you have to others. By doing so, you tell Spirit, “I trust you and I believe you are providing for all my needs. All my needs are well provided for, and I have great abundance and I share this abundance.”

You want vitality and health. Immerse yourself in healthy living in word and action. Align your intention with the needs of a healthy body.

The magic comes to your life as you open to receive. You will receive from the frequency with which you are aligned. Start right where you are. What are you receiving? If what comes to you is not what you want, then look to your thoughts, deeds, and actions to see with what energy you are aligned. Change the frequency of the energy you are focused on and that is what will change your life.

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Creation and the Blue Feather

Many have heard this story. It’s a story I’ve told over the years in workshops and during speaking seminars. Still, it’s a story that keeps its importance. It’s a story of creation and how to create, or as often said these days, it’s a story of how to manifest.

I had just read Richard Bach’s Illusions, a great book I highly recommend. I was reading the book because I was at a time in my life when I was caught in the illusion of non-creation and needed to be reminded of how to create.

In the book, Donald, the teacher, talks to Richard about creating, specifically how to create. Donald suggested that Richard start with something easy to find to prove to himself that he can create. Richard started with a blue feather.

Richard found his blue feather, thus learning he could create what he desired. I too found my blue feather, but not as easily as Richard found his.

It was a Friday evening when I decided I needed to find a blue feather. I gave myself until Sunday night to do so. All weekend, I looked for that blue feather. Trying too hard actually pushes away that which we want to create, but that surrendering didn’t come to me until later.

First, to create, you need clear motivation. My motivation for creating the blue feather was clear. I wanted to remind myself that I knew how to create and manifest.

Next, visualize that which you want to create. Several times during the weekend, I visualized that blue feather in my hand. I used my senses. I could see it and feel it in my hand. It was real.

Be aware of your thoughts and be grateful for the manifestation. I lived in the city at the time, so I went out to the woods to walk. Surely blue feathers were more plentiful in the country. I lived in the energy of the blue feather and stayed in gratitude for it appearing in my life.

But no blue feather.

Sunday evening came. I was ready to give up. I was so frustrated and down. I felt like such a failure. It was then I gave it over to Spirit. “Okay, I said. “If that blue feather is going to show up it’s going to be on your timetable, not mine. It would be nice if it showed up, but Your timetable, not mine, Your Will, not mine. I had decided what I wanted, did all the work, but until that moment, hadn’t given it over to the Divine Self to do the work.

Within a few moments, I was tired, really tired. Thought I’d fall asleep right there, if only for a few minutes, but felt compelled to go all the way upstairs to the bedroom. We can be so lazy when Spirit speaks to us. It’s so easy to not listen or expel the energy to do what is asked of us. When I finally convinced myself to get up, I heard my inner voice tell me to turn around. Of course, I had to be told more than once, but I did turn around.

There, inside my home, in the city, right next to the box of cat toys was Sesame, one of my cats. She was pulling out a cat toy. You guessed it. The toy was a ball with a blue feather attached. Caught on her claw, Sesame looked up at me as if to say, “Meow, Mom, Here’s your blue feather.”

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Conservation with Phillip on Animals & Food


How can we help the animals? Should we be vegetarians?


Humans must align themselves with the animals and learn of their choice. This means that a human is to ask the animal if they are willing to sacrifice their body to feed the human’s body. Animals are more in tune with the energy of their species so the human need not ask the specific animal but instead ask one of the same species.

By this we mean that if you are considering consuming a beef burger it would be necessary to ask Steer if he was willing to sacrifice his body to sustain yours. If the answer is in the negative it would be wise to choose another meal. However, if the steer agrees, the second step for the human is to ask if the beef burger is healthy for this body.

If the answer is positive, the beef burger must be prayer over. A simple prayer of thanks to the steer and to thank the human body for its acceptance of the meal is suggested. Of course, additional thoughts may also be included. The meal should be eaten with awareness and gratitude. This will allow the body to accept the meat.

For those humans who wish to aid the animals, begin by observing them. Learn their ways and provide aid when needed.

Animals have their own ways. Learn their ways and love without condemnation.

As with the aid to other humans, the aid to animals in your world is much the same. Harm not; give to help in time and money; and watch over and protect those you can.

Love is action and every prayer said in love is stronger than condemnation said in anger.

We remind you the evolution taking place in your world will see animals and humans sharing the same peace table. This transformation is already taking place.

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On the World’s Anger; the Way of Peace

A conversation with Phillip, my Spirit Guide

Diana: Phillip, there is so much fear and anger in our world today. We are doing our best to counter it with love but it’s overwhelming. We feel we’re not doing enough, that we should be doing more but we’re exhausting ourselves. Help! We need your wisdom.

Phillip: The anger comes from fear. The human condition for many is to fear what may  be around the next corner. These individuals are not yet able to take the hero or heroin’s journey. They have not yet had enough experience to know the perils are in part what make the journey an adventure.

This does not mean to say their lives lack adventure. It is to say they have chosen to stay in one setting along the journey. This also does not mean these individuals are without pain. Their pain may be quite deep but the fear of moving out of the wound is greater than the pain. The anger will continue as long as the fear remains.

Those who have walked through the fear have a different life experience. You, and those who work with you, have learned it is not about never experiencing fear but continuing the journey anyway. Your hearts have reached a point to where you must help those who are unable to face their wound, so they are unable to heal it, thus they stay locked in fear, and those they bring harm to.

It is not that you are to address every issue that touches your heart. It may not be your role to work on any specific issue. As you explore and learn of your soul’s mission you may learn your calling is to heal one issue, or you may learn your calling is to spend time in prayer and meditation. As you have written the world needs both warriors and peacemakers until neither are required for the world will then live in peace.

Spread yourselves not too thin for then you will harm yourself and accomplish little. In doing so, you add stress to the world when it is your heart’s intention to add peace.

As you learn more and more to live in love you will find the small acts of kindness you give away, the smiles and laughter you give to the world—these are the ways to override the pain caused by those who are in pain themselves. Every time you see beauty in the raindrop and feel the expression of a cloud, you are loving the world.

Do not set aside the good worth of what may seem a small jester—a donation, a prayer, a thank you. These are the ways of peace.

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