Phillip’s Wisdom on Healing the World

You must hold the world in prayer and cleanse your mind of all but loving thoughts. This is the vibration that will continue to free you and to free the world from tyranny.

Do not be dismayed. There is great hope. The hope depends on your willingness to hold peace in your heart regardless of what you see, hear, or experience. When anger arises, do not ignore it. Instead, see it for what it is and transmute the anger into the action of love. Do the same for all emotions that arise out of fear, which is what anger is—a projection of fear.

This is not to say you are to rollover for those you consider your enemies, but instead to understand you have no enemies. Those you see as enemies, those you see as hurting you, are here to help you look deeper within yourself to see your errors of thinking. Are you to hold others accountable for their errors of thinking? Of course, but first look within to understand who is making the error and why. You will be surprised to see your own struggles manifested in the larger world. Not a single thought of yours is lived in solitude but is instead manifested into the larger arena.

You want peace in the world? It is first to be found within your own heart. Let there be peace in your world and Earth will one day come to know peace. Peace comes from humankind, not from the words of world leaders.

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