Phillip’s Wisdom on The Shift

This following is from my You Tube message the first week of 2020. It’s an important message to remember as we continue in the turmoil of this election year 2024. Today, I remind you that out of chaos comes greatness. Hang in there. This painful and erratic time shall pass and a new creative and loving renaissance shall emerge.

Diana: When I woke on January 1, 2020, I felt a shift, a lightness, a new hope filled the world. It felt like the tipping point has been reached. It also felt like this hope, this lightness won’t stay but that it had been touched so it would return.

Phillip: What you felt was the collective energy. Many put the decade of the past behind them. This creates the hope that the new decade will bring greater love and peace into the world.

As you experienced, within a few days the lightness in the energy lessened. This said, the tipping point was reached and will reopen.

You were taught a while back, and you have learned, that once a step is taken you never go as far back as the beginning. If you fill a cup, you may spill some from the cup but if you pour the contents into a larger container, you will still have the contents of the original container with additional room to add more.

This is to say that one’s journey is always going forward even if it seems as though the steps forward also contain sliding backward.

Once the Light of Love is felt darkness can never fully diminish it.

The hope that so many felt for the new day, the new year, the new decade—2020—brought forth the shift. The shift has taken place. It cannot be undone.

This said, in this 2020 shift, the darkness is still strong. This must also be remembered, not to discourage but to be aware.

There are those who will deny the darkness and there are those who will deny the light. The truth is in denying neither.

Without denial of the darkness let your concentration be on the light. Where there is fear bring comfort. Where there is anger bring calm. Where there is turmoil bring peace. Where there is misunderstanding bring understanding. Where there is discord bring compassion.

This is not to say we do not raise our hand to say stop. This is most necessary. Raise your hand to reach out not to harm however.

Where there is an injustice step between the one who is harming and the one who is being harmed. Surround them both with love as you call for a stop to the injustice. Recognize that each soul has chosen a path so do not judge why the act is taking place. Instead, recognize that all acts should be of love. If an act is not of love, it is an opportunity for healing to take place.

The healing will affect the collective although it is played out within individuals. The healing of one individual affects 10,000 others who have lived before, who live now, who are not yet born.

This is the soul’s contract.

Your contract, along with many others, is to bring about the shift of hope, which will usher in the new age of enlightenment. This is why you, and many others, experienced the shift. It is for each of you now to hold to your promise to hold—and to practice—the hope in your own lives so that you also hold the energy of hope for the world.

This will not be easy in the coming months. It must be necessary though.

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