5 Ways to Lift Your Spirits

Sometimes we feel overwhelmed with all that must be done. That sense of too much to do leads us to doing less, which in turn, leads to the lack of joy in our lives. That’s when we need to take a breath and regroup and find happiness in the simple pleasures in life.

Here are a few simple ways you can lift your spirits:

Smile It really is that simple. Smile at the grocery cashier and the other people in line. It will make a difference in someone’s life, including your own.

Make a Phone Call  In our day of texting, we often forget the wondrous sound of the human voice. The music of your voice letting another know you are thinking of them may make all the difference in their day. . . and your life. 

Bless You, Bless Me  
If we have the blues, we may find ourselves a bit short tempered. Instead of getting angry at another, simply say bless you and bless me. This simple prayer will change the energy within you and between the two of you.

Remember the Critters
Cheer yourself up and help the critters by keeping bird feeders and wild cats and other critters’ bowls full. Set out a bowl full of water. Use old dog houses or other containers and blankets to create habitats for wildlife. On a rainy or cloudy day, watching the birds feast or seeing an empty food dish in the morning and knowing you have helped a critter will warm your heart.

Add a Bird Feeder Do you know someone who is shut-in? Put a bird feeder outside their window for days of enjoyment. Make sure you visit every few days to keep it full.

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