Giving is a circle that returns to us

To prosper we must keep our wealth in circulation, which means we must give as well as receive. When we are not giving, we are in the energy of lack. When we give freely from our hearts, we are open to receiving more. We are telling the Energy that we are so grateful for what we have so generously been given that we have plenty to share, and so we do.

How do we decide who to give to?

Although you must make you own decisions, my rule of thumb is to give to my spiritual sources and to give to that which helps others. My spiritual sources are my teachers and healers, animals, and nature. I help others by supporting the local food kitchen and homeless shelter in my community.

When we send a check, we are expressing our gratitude for what we have received from this person or organization and to help them continue their work to help others.

We can’t give to everyone who asks, so what do with all the requests?

Like many of you, my mailbox is stuffed with requests for donations. We can’t give to everyone, so here’s what I do. While holding the request in my hand, I bless them and their work, and then I put the papers in the recycle box. The blessing thanks them for the work they do and helps to hold the energy for them to receive that which they need.

What is the right amount to give?

As a child I was taught to tithe, which is 10 percent of your income. Sometimes that may feel like more than you are able to do, but what you can do is to set an amount – say 5 percent of your gross income, or even 2 percent – and consistently give that amount. Then when you are feeling abundant prosperity, you can write an extra check just to say thank you to Spirit for giving you so much. Eventually you’ll be able to give 10 percent consistently with an open heart and deep gratitude for having so much.

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