Moments of Joy: Quiet Moments

I sit in the moment, and let the moment be what it is. Pleasure comes from watching the dance of the candle flame. Joy comes from watching Lily, my cat, watch me. Peace comes from feeling my breath move deep into my body, expanding, expanding, expanding, and then releasing. Love comes when I am here in this moment wherever it is.

We look for that happiness we seek, look for it in relationships, in careers, in riches. And often we do fine moments of happiness there. But if we think about it, really think about it, it’s not in the broader spectrum of anything in our pursuits that brings happiness. Instead, it’s in the moments within the pursuits.

Joy is the smile of the others when they look at us and we feel seen. Joy comes from feeling the sun’s warmth as it rises on the day. Joy comes from feeling our breath rise and fall. Joy comes from conversation with a friend and the warmth of a cup of tea.

Joy comes to us in feeling a loved one who has passed is near. Joy comes from the gratitude of a good night’s sleep. Joy comes from the privilege of a hot shower. Joy comes in the gift of a giveaway.

Joy comes in the quiet moments when we stop and become aware of life, when we become quiet and let the moment be what it is—a moment of joy.

Postscript: A moment of joy for me today was coming inside on this wintery day and feeling the warm water washing over my cold hands.

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