Piper Makes a New Friend

I made a new friend. His name is Rusty. We went for a long walk together. He’s older than me. He’s bigger too.

Rusty isn’t my only doggy friend. I’ve also made friends with Murphy, Juno, and Vinnie. Rusty and Murphy are boys. They’re different than Juno, Vinnie, and me. We’re girls.

I like Rusty. He’s nice. He likes me too. I could tell. But not right away. At first when Mom told me we were going for a walk with Rusty and his Mom I was a little scared. After all, Rusty’s a boy and boys are, well you know…they’re different. Sometimes they’re pushy and big and scary.

Photo by Constance Gilhooly, Rusty’s mom

At first, I thought Rusty might be scary. I saw him in his car. He looked really big. When he jumped out of his car, I saw him run toward me. I was only scared for a just a little bit. He sniffed my nose. I sniffed him back. That’s when I knew he liked me.

How could he not like me? I’m so pretty. And I’m sweet. Yes, yes, I am. Well, most of the time anyway.

Since he liked me, I decided to like him back. So, we went for a walk together. We walked around a ball field and over a covered bridge. The wood on the bridge made scary, creaky noises. Rusty said if the bridge died and we fell into the river, he knew how to swim. I do too, so we’d be okay.

We had to cross a big street. That was scary. But Rusty said he’d protect us, so it was okay. Our moms helped too. Rusty had to protect us again when a great big dog barked at us. He jumped up on his fence and barked and barked and barked. I started to walk faster. Rusty told that dog to stop barking at us or he’d take care of things. He would have too, but his mom stopped him. So, we kept walking.

Sometimes Rusty stopped to smell something in the grass. And sometimes he stopped to lift his leg. That’s how boys pee. Girls are daintier about such things.

It was fun walking with Rusty. He’s different from my doggy girlfriends. That’s okay. He’s a boy and boys are different from girls. It’s nice to have a boy dog as a friend too.

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One Response to Piper Makes a New Friend

  1. Kim marsh says:

    Hi Piper so glad you made a new friend today. Boys can be stinky too little one.
    Glad you got out for a walk I’m sure you enjoyed it
    Take good care of your mom Piper she loves you
    Xoxo Kim

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