Piper the Psychic

I’m psychic. That’s what Mom calls it. We dogs know it’s natural. It’s who we are. We know things. People know things too, but they don’t know they know. That’s the difference.

Piper at Sacred Circle

It was Friday night at Sacred Circle. That’s when a whole bunch of humans found out I’m psychic. Mom always knew from beginning. That’s because she knows my angel. Daisy. Humans might call Daisy my spirit guide. I call her my angel. That’s because she brought Mom and I together. But that’s another story. This is my story of how the humans at Sacred Circle learned I’m psychic.

Piper’s angel Daisy

Sacred Circle is where Mom tells a story. Then she guides the people on a meditation journey. I usually fall asleep then. That’s because it’s so calm. After all that, Mom gives people messages from Spirit. Sometimes I sleep through that part too. Sleep is important. That makes it easier for Daisy to talk to me. That’s because when I’m asleep I’m not barking or looking around at the humans or doing anything but dreaming or talking to Daisy.

I was sleeping when Daisy told me to wake up and look at one of the humans. We had a message for her. The human told Mom that she had planned on asking about her Mother, who is in Spirit World. But the human said that Piper told her to ask about her doggy who was also in Spirit World.

The doggy’s grandmother was with her. They were both happy. I wanted to give her the full message. So, I came out from under the altar table and looked at her. Mom wasn’t paying much attention to me, so I sneezed. I never sneeze. Mom looked at me. Was I okay? That’s when the human cried really hard.

The human said her doggy was ill. That her doggy’s illness made her sneeze. That’s when Mom got it. That was how all the people knew I was giving a message to the human that her doggy was okay in Spirit World. That her doggy was right there with her.

She got it. Sometimes we have to give up our bodies. That doesn’t mean we stop loving our humans. Or that we leave. We stay around as long as our humans need us.

Humans don’t seem to get that. But then human don’t get a lot. If they could just let their minds be quiet some times. We dogs do that. Let our minds be quiet. That’s when Daisy talks to me. Like she told me to sneeze. And my sneeze let the human know her doggy never left. We never leave.

We talk to our humans all the time. They just have to listen.

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