Piper’s Favorite Games

We play lots of games. I like games.

Sometimes Mom and I play a game called hide-and-seek. It’s a game 2-legged kids play. And Mom and me. When we play the game outside, Mom hides behind a tree when I’m not looking. Then I have to find her. I always do. Sometimes she hides at the other end of the meadow. I still find her.

When we play inside, she hides in a corner. She thinks I can’t find her. I always find her. When I find her she pets me and tells me how smart I am. I am.

We also play a game with my leash. Every day we walk down the lane to get the mail. It’s a really, really long lane. I’m allowed to run ahead, but I have to stop before I get to the end. The road’s at the end. I’m not allowed to cross the road by myself. The road is dangerous. That’s ‘cause sometimes a car goes by. And sometimes a big, big truck goes by. They’re really scary. They make lots of noise.

Before we cross the road, Mom puts my leash on me. Then we walk across the road together. When we cross the road again and come back to the lane, my leash jumps out of Mom’s hand. That’s when I have to rescue it and carry it all the way down the lane and back to the house.

I run all the way down the lane with my leash. Sometimes I drop it and scold it because it jumps out of my mouth just like it jumps out of Mom’s hand. That’s how the leash plays with me. It jumps out of my mouth. I like to play with my leash. It’s a fun game.

Another game we play is ball. That’s really fun. Mom throws the ball. I have to run and catch it. Whenever anyone comes to visit, they have to throw the ball for me. Ball is my favorite game. Maybe that’s why sometimes I get fooled. Mom pretends to throw the ball. I run and run to catch it. But I can never find it. That’s when I run back to Mom and scold her. She tricked me. That’s not nice.

Still I get to run after the ball. Even it there is no ball. I guess that’s a different game. And that game’s fun too.

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