Piper’s Midnight Walk

We went for a walk one night. It was really, really late. Past my bedtime. That’s okay. I’d rather go for a walk with Mom than sleep anyway.

We walked out to the meadow. It was really dark walking through the yard. It’s full of trees. We could see the moon on top of the trees. The moon was foggy. Clouds were wagging their tails and covering the moon.

The meadow was brighter. That’s ‘cause I barked at the moon. That made it move away from the clouds. Just for us. We could see all the way to the moon.

It was yellow and really big. And round. Like my ball. I could see the man who lives in the moon. I barked at him. He smiled at me. Mom smiled at me too. That made me feel good. Really, really good. I like to be smiled at. That means I’m a good girl.

There were stars in the sky. Sometimes they blinked at us. Sometimes they played with the clouds. I could hear them laughing. Mom could too but she had to listen harder. That’s ‘cause doggies can hear the stars better than humans. Mom’s a human. I’m a doggy.

One star ran and ran real fast across the sky. It almost ran across one whole side of the meadow. Guess it got tired because it didn’t make it all the way to the other side. I can though. Run from one side of the meadow to the other side. I would have beat that star to the other side, but it cheated. It started first and didn’t tell me.

That’s okay. The star has to run in the sky. I get to run on grass. That’s more fun ‘cause I can feel the grass on my feet. The star can only feel the sky. I like the grass better.

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