Piper’s Three-and-a-Half Beds

I have three beds. Three-and-a-half really. At least that’s what Mom says. One really isn’t a bed. It’s a little rug near the door. Sometimes it’s my favorite.

I like all my beds. They are all special. There’s my big bed, my office bed, my nighttime bed, and my favorite half-bed.

My big bed is really big and soft and really nice. Mommie Kim sent my big bed with me when I moved to Ohio. Sometimes Mom takes the cover off and washes it. I don’t like it when she does that. She says she has to do that because it has peanut butter on it. I like it better when it smells like me and peanut butter.

My big bed is in the great room. That’s where we watch TV or Mom reads or writes in a book. She calls it a journal. I think she’s writing about what a good girl I am. It’s where the sofa is. My bed is right next to the table that’s in front of the sofa. I’m really close to Mom there. Lily too. She’s usually on the sofa. On Mom’s lap. I’m allowed on the sofa too. It’s okay. I like my big bed better. I only share the sofa with Mom when Lily’s not on it. I like Lily but cats are funny creatures. I don’t like to cuddle with Lily. I like to cuddle with humans though.

My office bed is smaller. But I’m little so it’s okay. That’s where Mom and I spend most of our time during the day. Sometimes I get out of my bed and go curl up on the floor. It’s cooler than my bed. I like to watch Mom work at her desk. Sometimes she turns around and gives me lots of pets and rubs. Sometimes she even gives me a treat. I like my office bed.

I think a lot in my office bed. I wonder about things. Sometimes I ask Mom questions. Like why don’t all doggies have three-and-a-half beds? She said that doggies, like humans, have a life they’ve chosen so they can learn and grow and make everything better.

My third bed is my nighttime bed. It’s where I sleep all night long. I don’t have to stay in bed but I do. Most of the time. Sometimes I get up to go get a drink of water. Then I come right back to bed. My nighttime bed has sides and a top and even a door on it. Mom calls it a crate. It’s real cozy. It’s where I keep my favorite blanket. I brought that with me from Mommie Kim’s too. I can see Mom and Lily on their bed. That makes me feel safe.

When I first came to live with Mom and Lily, Mom closed the door on my crate. She said that she wanted to keep Lily and me safe. She wasn’t sure how we’d get along. I knew that all I had to do was push the door with my paw and it would open. I never did that though. That’s ‘cause I’m a good girl and know how to behave.

I like all my beds. But my favorite is my half-bed. It’s by the door with the big window. Mom thinks it’s because I like to watch the birds and the squirrels and watch for Andy, the outside cat. I let her think that.

But the real reason it’s my favorite bed is because it’s right beside the treat box. That’s the big box that’s under the counter. It’s full of treats just for me. I make sure Lily doesn’t get near my treats. You know how cats are. They jump on top of things.

And I’m right here in case Mom walks over to give me a pet or maybe a treat. That’s when I whimper and cry and tell her what a good girl I am. I look up at her and smile a real big doggy smile. She can’t resist. I get a treat.

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