Piper’s Visitor

Juno came to visit me. Aunti Juliet brought her. She’s really big. And I mean really, really big. Juno, not Aunti Juliet. Juno’s a doggy like me. Aunti Juliet’s a human.

At first I was scared. The last time I saw her she was a little girl, not much bigger than me. She’s all grown up now. But I’m older. That makes me in charge. She’s only a little over a year old. I’m 10.

At first Mom and Aunti Juliet ate lunch. They gave us treats. I watched Juno. I had to make sure she didn’t get into trouble. Or eat all my treats.

Then we went outside and played in the meadow. Juno liked that. I could tell. Aunti Juliet said she did. I was in charge, so I told Juno to run and play. She even tried to get me to play. I didn’t want to play with her though. I just wanted to keep an eye on her. I had to make sure she didn’t get into any trouble.

Then we went down to the lake. We went on a long, long, long hike. I told Juno I was the leader. She said okay.

It was a really hard trail. There were boards we had to walk over sometimes. They were slippery and had holes between them. I was really glad my little feet didn’t fall between the boards. Juno’s feet didn’t fit between the boards, so she didn’t have to worry about that.

I didn’t have to worry either. Mom let me walk around the boards if I didn’t like them. She even let go of my leash so I could run ahead.

Aunti Juliet took Juno’s leash off too. Still, I was in the lead. Everyone knew that, even Juno. She stayed behind my mom. Aunti Juliet said Juno was watching out for her and my mom. That’s why she stayed between them.

I’m Mom’s watcher. I take good care of her. Always. Still, I guess it’s okay to let another doggy help when I’m busy leading us out of the forest and to safety. Especially if that doggy is a big girl like Juno.

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