Scary Storms

It’s scary when the sky goes boom. And the big winds come. And the sky-lighters cut the sky. I don’t like it. Not one bit.

Sometimes I bark at the boom-booms. I hide too. That’s when those boom-booms are really loud and scary. Like the other night.

The sky-lighters were zigging and zagging across the sky. My sky! The nerve. And they were so bright they made our whole bedroom light up. And the booms were extra loud. The winds made booms on the roof too. It was sooooo scary.

Mom put me in bed with her. We cuddled really close. Lily Cat used to hide under the covers. Or even under the bed. The booms scared her too. But Lily is on the other side of the rainbow bridge. So the booms don’t scare her anymore.

I knew she was cuddling with us. I felt her close. She came to lay beside me to keep me from being scared.

We talked to the trees. My mom and me. We asked them to stay up. We said if you have to fall then fall away from the house and barn. We thanked the trees for letting the wind clear out all the twigs and branches that need to go away. And we reminded the trees those branches need to fall away from our home.

We asked our angels to spread their big wings over everything. To keep us safe. We asked them to keep all the animals in the woods and my brother Andy safe. He lives in his house on the front porch under the big roof. He doesn’t like it inside. He likes to go for walks with us. But not when the booms are so loud or when the water falls from the sky, or when the winds come, and not when the sky-lighters are cutting the sky.

I asked Mom if the sky-lighters hurt the sky when they cut it. She pulled me closer and said no. They’re just cleaning the sky. Then she rubbed my head. Does it hurt when I clean you?

I thought about that. Then I said it didn’t hurt when she cleans me. So, I guess it doesn’t hurt the sky when the sky-lighters zig and zag across it.

Mom put her head on her pillow. And I put my head on her arm. She sighed a long breath. So did I. I even thought I heard Lily sign under the bed. Then we fell asleep.

I didn’t dream about boom-booms or wild winds or sky-lighters. I dreamed about Mom’s arms around me. And how good love is.

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