The Praying Shaman

Years ago, one of my teachers, Peter, told me about a shaman he had studied with (I believe in Ecuador, but not sure of my memory here). This shaman spent the greater part of his day weeping for his tribe and the night dancing and celebrating life. He was taking on and healing the tears of his tribe so they could live in joy.

There are those days when we all feel like that shaman, taking on the tears of the world – the tears of the people of Ukraine and other war-torn countries who have lost so much – lives lost, loved ones lost or hurt, animals lost or hurt, homes and businesses lost; tears for people and animals in severe weather; tears for those living in violence, and for all who are sick, in pain, depressed, or unable to cope with their lives.

We all feel that sense of being overwhelmed with our lives and with the suffering in the world. It is in these times, that we can feel helpless or we can take action. Whether we choose to pick up a weapon of destruction, to march, to write politicians, or/and to spend our time in powerful and healing energy and prayer work, we all have a path to follow to help all humankind to live freely.

My path is one of prayerful healing. This is not a religious prayer but a prayer to Spirit asking for help and guidance.

I pray for myself, for the strength to get through the hard times, to be wise and provide helpful service and council to others. I pray for my family, for their health and wellbeing. I pray for the safety of my community. I pray for those around the world who have made their transition today. I pray for their families. I pray for those caught in harsh weather, for those who have lost their lives, loved ones, or homes and businesses. I pray for those caught in violence, anger, or hatred that their hearts may be healed today and that they find a better life. I pray for the hungry that they be given food. I pray for the sick that they be healed. I pray for people in need of money that they receive all they need. I pray for everyone caught in war and revolution that freedom and peace be theirs. I pray for the leaders of all countries that they may know wisdom and create peace in our world, not destruction. I pray for those who are of service to our world that they are safe, and their lives be filled with joy.

I pray, and I know as I pray someone, somewhere is praying for me, and I am grateful. Please know I am praying for you. Please join me in praying for others.

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